The QPath Blog

A guide to getting to know QuantumPath


During the design, development and promotion of QPath, we published a series of resources on different sites (videos, articles, webinars, etc.) that, in each case, respond to specific communication needs. Most of these resources are complementary to each other and, therefore, can be presented in such a way that they follow a logical sequence that facilitates knowledge about QPath.

Below I will show a guide, a route, with an ordered sequence of the existing public resources that allow to know the most relevant elements of the architecture and functionalities of QPath. Therefore, this guide is intended as an aid for those who wish to easily access the information published on the internet about the features of QPath.

Bearing in mind all the above, to those who are thinking of starting in the development of quantum APPs with QPath, but who don’t have previous experience in the development of quantum software, I suggest that they watch the videos published on the aQuantum Channel, starting with these introductory videos to quantum development [1], designed to contribute to literacy for quantum software development, in the order suggested by Figure 1:

·     Quantum concepts [2]

·     The physical and mathematical machinery required for quantum programming [3]

·     Talavera Manifesto [4] [5]

·     Introduction to quantum programming [6] [7]

These videos were made within the framework of the QANSWER 2020 Webinars, so some of them also correspond to published articles that we consider useful to include in these references.


Figure 1: Introductory videos to quantum programming


If after viewing the videos, you want to know more about quantum development with QPath, then I recommend reading the articles published in The QPath Blog [8], although for beginners I suggest starting the reading in the order suggested in Figure 2:

·     QPath features [9]

·     Introduction to quantum software development with QPath [10]

·     The QPath approach to quantum annealing [11]

·     QPath solves most of the quality problems of quantum computing platforms [12]


Figure 2: Articles about QPath functionalities


The QPath Blog is a site created to publish technical and opinion articles on QPath, its architecture, functionalities, as well as the advantages and benefits it brings to its users. It is a living repository, in which we regularly publish specific information about QPath, so we suggest visiting them regularly to keep up to date on this platform.

And finally, about the actions to learn more about the programming of APPs with QPath: if after all the previous process you want to see how this platform works in practice, I suggest you attend the aQuantum Webinars [13] in Figure 3:


Figure 3: Cycle of practical webinars on QPath.


In this cycle of webinars, you will be able to know, through practical demonstrations carried out by the authors of QPath, how to:

·     QPath works 

·     Develop quantum APPs with a very feasible and pragmatic approach.

·     Integrate classical and quantum software with QPath.

Don’t worry if you can’t attend these webinars because they will be recorded [14]. If you cannot attend them live, you will later be able to watch the videos that will be published on the aQuantum Channel [15].

The videos of the workshop “Introduction to Amazon Braket and QuantumPath: Creating Quantum Solutions” [16] are also very illustratove in this regard.

The aQuantum Channel is a living repository of our activity in the quantum field, our contribution to quantum literacy, so we also suggest visiting it regularly to see our latest publications.

Of course, as you can see on the respective websites there are more published resources than those that I have included in this route, they are all valid to go further in the knowledge about QPath, but the ones indicated here give rise to a good guide to give the first steps in the world of QPath. There will be time to progressively address more advanced topics about QPath.

Finally, you can access QuantumPath® online and, if you wish, subscribe to the Free Developer version, which is free, to get to know the tool by doing some development experiments with the platform:

[4] García Rodríguez de Guzmán, Ignacio. The Talavera Manifesto for Quantum Software Engineering and Programming. aQuantum Channel. 2020. 

[5]  The Talavera Manifesto for Quantum Software Engineering and Programming. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020

[6] Hevia, José Luis. aQuantum Webinar: Introduction to Quantum Development (in Spanish). aQuantum Channel. 2020.

[7] Hevia, José Luis. Introduction to Quantum Development. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020.

[8] The QPath Blog.

[9] Hevia, José Luis. QPath Features. The QPath Blog.