Month: February 2021

Advantages of agnostic development of quantum algorithms and APPs for the real world with QPath

The QPath Blog Advantages of agnostic development of quantum algorithms and APPs for the real world with QPath Author Guido Peterssen NodarseaQuantum COO Thanks to recent advances in the application of scientific research in various fields of knowledge to the development of quantum computing, we have stopped talking about quantum computing as something of the […]

A guide to getting to know QuantumPath

The QPath Blog A guide to getting to know QuantumPath Author Guido Peterssen Nodarse aQuantum COO During the design, development and promotion of QPath, we published a series of resources on different sites (videos, articles, webinars, etc.) that, in each case, respond to specific communication needs. Most of these resources are complementary to each other and, therefore, can […]

QPath solves most of the quality problems of quantum computing platforms

The QPath Blog QPath solves most of the quality problems of quantum computing platforms Author Mario Piattini VelthuisaQuantum CRO Quantum computing is gaining a lot of interest since there are countless, cutting-edge applications in multiple areas (economics, chemistry, medicine and health, logistics, energy, artificial intelligence, security, etc.). The achievement of such applications requires the use […]

The QPath approach for Quantum Annealing

The QPath Blog The QPath approach for Quantum Annealing Annealing as a foreign  concept  in computing science.Theory with practice. Author Ezequiel Murina MorenoaQuantum Algorithm Researcher How frequently do you find the dichotomy about theory vs practice whenever you consult technical or scientific literature, attend a webinar or even a lecture at the University? I think […]