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Quantum Software Engineering and Programming Applied to Personalized Pharmacogenomics

Quantum Software Engineering and the Development of quantum/classical software systems using the QuantumPath® platform.



This open access book explains the state of the art in quantum software engineering and design, independent of specific hardware. It covers theoretical aspects of quantum software and classical software engineering concepts such as agile development approaches, validation, measurement and deployment applied in a quantum or hybrid environment, complemented by a number of different industry applications.

The book is composed of three parts.

       I.          Aspects of Quantum Software Theory

     II.          Quantum Software System Design

   III.          Quantum Software Laboratory

The chapter “Quantum Software Engineering and Programming Applied to Personalized Pharmacogenomics” is part of the third part of the book and refers to several software applications and corresponding laboratory experiences to understand their implications in practice and to avoid repeating past mistakes.

The structure of the chapterQuantum Software Engineering and Programming Applied to Personalized Pharmacogenomics[1] is as follows:

1.     Introduction

2.     Quantum Health

3.     Qualitative Description of the Computational Problem

4.     Analytical Description of the Computational Problem

5.     QHealth Information System

6.     Conclusion

7.     References

The authors believe that software systems developed for healthcare must be high quality, extensible, scalable, high performance, and highly secure, given their intended use. Therefore, building reliable software systems for healthcare requires the application of software engineering best practices and the team’s experience in developing critical software solutions.

In this sense, they emphasize that the implementation of projects of this type involving quantum computing has the added complexity that quantum software engineering is just taking its first steps and that the experience accumulated in the design, development and implementation of this type of projects is just accumulating its first use cases. In addition, it has been necessary to ensure the delivery of high quality and professionally tested quantum software solutions, to design a security model specific to quantum projects, to define a management framework for quantum computing services, and to design a valid model for the governance and management of quantum architectures and platforms.

In this chapter, the authors show that providing personalized drug therapy to polymedicated patients is a very complex situation, as not even the most powerful supercomputer in the world could process the enormous number of variables required in a reasonable amount of time. Fortunately, quantum computing is opening up new possibilities in this area, especially thanks to its ability to efficiently combine a large number of variables.

To address the feasibility of applying these new technological possibilities to health services, the authors present the basic idea of an extensible quantum algorithm to deal with genetic polymorphisms, pharmacological polytherapy, and clinical condition, and the implementation of a prototype that allows the calculation of the ideal dose for each patient, taking into account their genomics and drug interactions. To this end, the authors have applied in the PoCs and prototype of the project QHealth: Quantum Pharmacogenomics applied to aging” the best practices of quantum software engineering to the development of quantum/classical software systems using the QuantumPath® platform.

QHealth System Overview

In the Technical Features and Implementation Details sections of the chapter, the authors show step-by-step the capabilities of the QuantumPath® platform for designing and developing the software solutions that enable a hybrid quantum/classical system capable of dynamically integrating quantum services with the classical healthcare systems used by physicians from the usual interfaces of their software. Based on their R&D experience, the authors believe that the QHealth system makes it possible to apply personalized quantum pharmacogenomics to prescribe the optimal doses of drugs for each patient at the time of consultation. In this way, the QHealth system would bring the quantum advantage to healthcare services in terms of saving lives in hospital emergencies, improving patients’ quality of life, increasing longevity, achieving significant savings on drugs, etc.

Distributed layers using protocols and communication for quantum solutions isolation

In the conclusions of the chapter, the authors consider that the quantum software prototype that has been shown to implement a quantum algorithm capable of taking into account genomic information and drug-drug interactions, identifying and explaining the relationships between interventions and treatments on the one hand and outcomes on the other, is capable of providing the best medical service at the individual level, thus fulfilling the goal of personalized pharmacogenomics.

The QHealth project had a total budget of 5,160,477.00 euros and received a grant of 3,671,281.69 euros from the CDTI (Spanish Center for the Development of Industrial Technology). The project has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).

This book will be of interest to industry professionals and researchers in academia who are either producing or using quantum software systems in their work, or who are considering their potential utility in the future. It may also be useful to practitioners already experienced in classical software engineering who wish to understand the fundamentals or possible applications of quantum software, for reasons including:

·      Is open access, meaning you have free and unlimited access

·      Explains the state of the art in quantum software theory, engineering, and design, independent of specific hardware

·      Shows how classic SWE topics such as agile approaches, validation, measurement, or deployment can be applied to quantum software

·      Details several examples of quantum software applications and corresponding laboratory experiences

From the quantum literacy mission that we have proposed since our inception, and in order to transmit the teachings and knowledge acquired over the years, we hope that this book can contribute to the production of quantum software with sufficient quality and productivity, a cornerstone for the dissemination of quantum software engineering.

Congratulations to Pepe, Ezequiel, Aurelio and Guido for their contribution to the dissemination of Quantum Software Engineering.

You can see all the books, articles and other papers published by aQuantum here.

[1] Hevia, J.L., Murina, E., Martínez, A., Peterssen, G. (2024). Quantum Software Engineering and Programming Applied to Personalized Pharmacogenomics. In: Exman, I., Pérez-Castillo, R., Piattini, M., Felderer, M. (eds) Quantum Software. Springer, Cham.