Month: August 2023

Using QuantumPath Q Provider Factory with quantum programmes implemented with Ocean SDK

The QPath Blog Using QuantumPath® Q Provider Factory with quantum programmes implemented with Ocean SDK Authors Aurelio Martínez Corchano Borja García Zapardiel Guido Peterssen Nodarse José Luis Hevia Q Provider Factory is a Python library of QrEngineer APP that allows quantum programs developed with different SDKs from the main quantum providers to be adapted to […]

QrEngineer APP beta 1 quantum software reengineering tool (I)

The QPath Blog QrEngineer APP beta 1:  quantum software reengineering tool (I) Adapter for quantum programs developed with the third-party SDK Authors Aurelio Martínez Corchano Guido Peterssen Nodarse José Luis Hevia Introduction Based on a conceptual design by QST, in 2019 we started a research project in the emerging field of Quantum Software Engineering with the […]

Expectations of quantum practitioners and the QuantumPath® approach

The QPath Blog Expectations of quantum practitioners and the QuantumPath® approach Authors Mario Piattini Velthuis José Luis Hevia Guido Peterssen Nodarse QuEra recently published the results of a comprehensive survey[1] about the expectations of readers of the Quantum Computing Report, with 95 participants including both practitioners and researchers. We believe that the situation reflected in […]